Anatomy & Physiology Course Awarding Bodies
We offer three routes for qualifications, ITEC, VTCT and FHT
VTCT is one of the largest government-approved awarding bodies and FHT is the largest and leading professional association for complementary, beauty and sports therapy.
All FHT qualifications taught at Anatomy & Physiology Online Courses follow the National Occupational Standards and Core Curricula in the UK.
The reason for working with three very high profile organisations is to give you, the learner the best options to suit your requirements.
The courses follow the same format but, the final assessments are slightly different.
The difference between ITEC and VTCT
The Vocational Training Charitable Trust (VTCT) announced that, as of 8 November 2016, it has acquired EMS Limited which trades as ITEC.
Currently, VTCT’s assessment model is based on the competency model and continuous assessment, meaning that the centre provides the assessors. This means that the centre has more control over the assessment process and total input into the assessment decisions. An internal verifier quality assures the process and VTCT externally samples 10% of the assessments.
The VTCT model is based on trust and is reliant on the integrity of the centre and their assessors. VTCT and education centres work in partnership to quality assure the course.
ITEC is 100% externally examined and so the centre has no input whatsoever in the assessment decisions which are made based on practical and written examinations at the end of the course, conducted by an ITEC External Examiner.
As of October, 1st 2015, Ofqual, the regulator, have made changes to the framework that regulated qualifications. Regulated qualifications, will have RQF (Regulated Qualification Framework) on the end instead of QCF (Qualifications Credit Framework).
All RQF qualifications are written collaboratively by all awarding bodies and VTCT and ITEC work very closely together, so our qualifications are identical.
The assessment model is the defining factor (i.e. if you want continuous assessment) – VTCT or if you want an end loaded external examinations – ITEC.
Many centres choose to offer both VTCT and ITEC as they complement each other very well.
So really it is down to your preference, it’s a bit like the Coke and Pepsi scenario.
Some people like Coke and some like Pepsi, some people like ITEC and some VTCT.