Anatomy And Physiology Online Courses - Tutor / Assessor Support Statement

What you can expect from your tutor & assessor

In the same way that most learners study modules on a part-time basis, all of Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses contracts are for part-time work from home basis. Your assessor will mark and at times provide feedback on your assignments, observe your progress according to the arrangements for your course. If you have any queries or concerns about the support you are receiving, talk to your tutor or contact Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses via the link within your student portal.

Your assessor will do the following

  • Assess your work fairly and objectively according to given marking schemes and give written feedback where possible to help you in your learning. It is your responsibility to stick to deadlines and timetable your learning schedule.
  • Your work will normally be graded within 21 days of submission. Please note that Bank Holidays and other School closure days (normally between Christmas and New Year) do not count as working days for this purpose.
  • Uphold the academic standard of Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses to maintain the quality and integrity of the qualification you are studying.
  • Seek to make contact with you by email if you appear not to be engaging well with module activities, answers, in order to support you with your studies.

Plan your studies to ensure you meet any cut-off dates, particularly any that occur whilst you are away from home or where personal circumstances may change.

  • Contact Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses if you anticipate any problems with the submission of work on time. You must obtain permission for any extensions to cut off dates in advance. Late submissions of mass uploads into the portal is not permitted at all. Discuss your situation with Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses.
  • Contact Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses if you need help or you are finding it difficult to keep up with your personal studies.
  • Respect any guidelines from your assessor or Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses regarding preferred channels of communication or preferred times of contact.
  • Respond to emails or phone messages from your tutor, assessor or Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses in a timely way.
  • Make use of the information and resources provided regarding Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses policies and procedures (eg. Through the link found on: ) or within your terms and conditions – this route may provide the answer to a procedural query more rapidly than enquiring.
  • Attend face to face or online tutorials you have been booked in for, if you know you won’t be attending, cancel in a timely manner.

Please click here for our T’s and C’s

The application of this policy will be reviewed annually by the Principal.

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