Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses takes all complaints and concerns about all professional misconduct very seriously.
The following outlines the process for filing a complaint against Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses.
Making a Complaint
A complaint must be received by Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses in writing or email within 14 days of the alleged incident. It should be posted for the attention of Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses Ltd Director, 270A Old Shoreham Rd, Hove BN3 7EG. We will investigate the complaint immediately and you will be given a full and prompt reply. The complaint should include the full names of any persons, as well as the time, place, date(s) and details of the alleged event(s). All complaints should be registered with
Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses will investigate within one month of the event. To maintain confidentiality, Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses asks that any complaints be sent by registered mail or e-mail, by the Complainant. Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses will not process any anonymous complaints.
Receiving the Complaint
Once a complaint is filed with Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses the complainant will receive an acknowledgement in writing within 14-days of the complaint being made. If the complaint is about a member of the team, then Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses will give that team member a further 14-days to respond.
Investigating a Complaint
The investigation process may take an underdetermined amount of time, but no more than 150 days. The Principle will investigate the complaint and following the investigation, a report is prepared. The Principle will make their formal response or decision within 150 days of receiving the complaint.
The Decision
If the decision is in favour of the complainant, then any of the following may happen.
If the decision is in favour of Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses or a member of the team, then any of the following may happen.
The complainant and any relevant members of the team will receive a written copy of the decision.
Appealing the Decision
If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision, then they must take further action and discuss their case with the relevant professional body.
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The application of this policy will be reviewed annually by the Principal.
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