Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses is committed to ensuring that students have the opportunity to raise complaints without risk of disadvantage or recrimination. Each case will be considered upon its own merit and in accordance with the evidence and circumstances presented. Complaints will be treated constructively and promptly with fairness and consistency and in line with our Complaints policy.
Mediation – An alternative informal method of dispute resolution for students
Mediation does not form part of the formal Complaints Procedure but offers an alternative informal method of resolving any dispute and can be explored instead of lodging a formal complaint. If a learner chooses to take part in mediation, this does not mean that they will lose their right to make a complaint or continue with a complaint under these Regulations.
Mediation is a process in which disputing parties seek to resolve their difference in a mutually acceptable way with the assistance of a trained mediator acting as an impartial third party. Mediation is voluntary and aims to offer the disputing parties the opportunity to be fully heard, to hear each other’s perspectives and to decide how to resolve their dispute themselves.
Mediation is entirely confidential and no record of the contents of the mediation process is held on any learner file.
All mediators are fully trained and accredited members of the Professional Mediators Association and remain impartial throughout.
Mediation costs are to be covered by the learner, and not Anatomy and Physiology Online Courses.
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The application of this policy will be reviewed annually by the Principal.
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